Little things…
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed…” -Jesus in Matthew 13:31
Japan’s Nobunari Oda has probably never seen a mustard seed, but he would fully understand Jesus’ use of this metaphor.
Oda stopped his free skate yesterday at the Vancouver Olympics with about a minute left because of a torn right skate lace.
A torn skate lace. A shoelace broke. Years of preparation stopped because of something as small and simple as a shoelace.
Little things do make a great difference.
The positive side of this parable of Jesus is that God can take small things and do great things with it. We need look no further than the ragtag group of country men who surrounded him as he told the parable. Probably only Jesus could see the potential to change the world in those disciples.
Jesus is still using small things to bring about great victories. He wants to use you and I… right where we are. He doesn’t always “call the equipped” but never fails to “equip the called.”
“We can do no extraordinary things. We can only do ordinary deeds in an extraordinary way.” -Mother Teresa.
A prayer for today: “Lord, do a mustard seed work in my heart, and help me recognize the life-changing work you are doing around me. Amen.”