‘Where I Come From’ hits Amazon on Oct.31


Where I Come From: Tales from the Pineywoods

Curt Iles


66 new unpublished stories.

291 pages

Price: $20.00


Current Timeline

Monday, October 21, Kindle ebook pre-orders begin at Amazon.com.

Tuesday, October 31, Amazon and Kindle editions go live.   (Amazon Print and Kindle ebook.)

November 2024:  Copies of Where I Come From, and Christmas Jelly will be placed throughout SW and Central Louisiana—detail  to come here and on Facebook.

Friday, November 29, Black Friday: First official book signing for Where I Come From and Christmas Jelly at Grant Christmas Tree Farm


This is an excerpt from Chapter 12, “Elmer’s Hand.” It’s a good story that reminds us about stewardship:


The story is told of a little girl whose father wanted to teach a lesson on giving. He gave his daughter two one-dollar bills. “Honey, one of these dollars belongs to God; the other is yours to spend as you wi h.”

The girl was thrilled and hurried, both bills in hand, to the nearest candy store.

Just as she stepped over a storm drain, one of the bills fell from her hand and dropped through the grate.

She rebounded quickly. “Ut-oh, God. That one was yours.”

We laugh but sometimes forget that God owns it a l.

A Dream  ulfilled

It took nine months of hard work to produce Where I Come From, but it was worth every hour. So many of you encouraged me, gave input, and became part of this book. I am so gr teful to God for my Book-Friends.

A book always begins with a dream (se  original sketch above) and then takes on flesh and bones.

I’ve written thirteen books, but I’ve never been prouder than I am of this book.  I’m excited to share it with each of you in the coming wee  and months.

” . . .  but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”   Proverbs 13:12


“A well-written and well-made book can move the world around it..”

The purpose of Creekbank Stories is to write moving stories that encourage and inspire.




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