Proverbs 16 for October 16

Proverbs is a wonderful book it’s been part of my daily quiet time for most of my adult life. Proverbs 16 for October 16 Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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‘Where I Come From’ hits Amazon on Oct.31

  Where I Come From: Tales from the Pineywoods Curt Iles   66 new unpublished stories. 291 pages Price: $20.00   Current Timeline Monday, October 21, Kindle ebook pre-orders begin at Tuesday, October 31, Amazon and Kindle editions go live.   (Amazon Print and Kindle ebook.) November 2024:  Copies of Where I Come From, and Christmas Jelly will be placed …

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Landing Page: Our latest book, ‘Where I Come,’ is coming in late October.

Where I Come From: Tales from the Pineywoods   Where I Come From: Tales from the Pineywoods Curt Iles   Current Timeline Monday, October 21   Kindle ebook pre-orders begin at Tuesday, October 31, Amazon and Kindle editions go live.   (Amazon Print and Kindle ebook). November 2024:  Copies of Where I Come From, and Christmas Jelly will be well placed …

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Silence and Solitude

Essay 2: Silence, Solitude, and a Quiet Time with God.   Excerpt from Chapter 46, “Silence and Solitude,” from our upcoming book, Where I Come From. A late October release is planned. Stay tuned for pre-order information in both eBook and Print editions. More at You cannot have solitude until you remove distractions. The key is eliminating distractions so …

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Essay 1: Solitude, Silence, Stillness, and Listening

Thoughts on Solitude   “There is no ‘quiet place’ in the white man’s cities. There is no place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring or the rustle of insect wings.”  -Chief Seattle 1854   This week, I’ll be blogging about the need for solitude and silence in our lives. I look forward to sharing your thoughts and getting …

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God Owns It All: The Cattle on a Thousand Hills.

  Psalm 50:20: The cattle on a thousand hills 10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. 11 I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine. God owns it all: every head of cattle; every dollar bill.   We are simply stewards. He owns it …

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Bringing a Soldier Home to Dry Creek

A Dry Creek Soldier Comes Home Saturday, September 7, 2024 Dry Creek, Louisiana Taps There’s nothing quite like the sound of “Taps” echoing off a stand of tall pines. My friend Randy Sanchez plays “Taps” on a small World War I “Trench Bugle” in the far corner of the Dry Creek Cemetery. The antique bugle’s unique, raw sound, which no …

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A Fun Story: Who owns the land in Louisiana?

Who owns the land in Louisiana?   After sending the information to the FHA, ​the attorney received the following reply:   ‘Upon review of your letter adjoining your client’s loan application, we note that the request is supported by an Abstract of Title. While we compliment the able manner in which you have prepared and presented the application, we must …

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‘Where I Come From’ Landing Page: Leave this world better than you found it.

This is the landing page for our upcoming short story collection, Where I Come From. We’ll be updating information on the book here. “Leave this world better” from Where I Come From.   Front Cover Image   This is the image for the front cover of: Where I Come From: Stories from the Pineywoods CURT ILES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Where I Come …

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Sleeping on the Ground

  Sleeping on the Ground   When you sleep on the ground With the stars in your face, You can feel the full-length Of the beauty and grace. -Dan Fogelberg  “The Wild Places”   I’ve just spent the last two nights sleeping on the ground under the stars. One night was on a bicycle trip on the Tammany Trace Trail. …

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Thoughts on Being a Life-Long Learner

  LLL   The Discipline of being a LLL: a “Life-Long Learner.” Proverbs 19 for August 19 “To acquire wisdom is to love yourself; people who cherish understanding will prosper.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬ Life-Long Learner Anyone can be one. No age required. No experience necessary. Available regardless of race, gender, educational background, or family heritage. Go for it!     …

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Trade-offs: When Two Fools Meet

      Trade-Offs: “When Two Fools Meet”                        “There are two things you should never sell: a dog or a gun.” Life is full of decisions, and each one you make is a trade-off. You’ll gain some things while losing others. There’s no shortcut. You’ll gain something as you trade off something else. Seldom in life is any decision …

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Soft Answers

“A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.” There is nothing weak about a gentle answer. Rather, it is a sign of inner strength. A person who can lower the temperature is to be admired.

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Proverbs 14 for August 14 keep your eyes on the path. The prudent understand where they are going, but fools deceive themselves.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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