Bald-Faced Liars

  A Bald-Faced Liar “He’d rather climb a tree to tell a lie rather than stand on the ground and tell the truth.”   Where I come from, calling someone a bald-faced liar are fighting words. What’s the difference between a lie and a bald-faced lie? A lie is telling untruth. It’s wrong. It’s a sin. “Do not swear false …

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The Key Sentences in ‘Where We All Belong’

    Friends and Readers, We’re putting the final touches on our upcoming novel, Where We All Belong. Don’t give up on us. There are many moving parts in getting a book into your hands. I really believe the final product will be worth the wait. Remember, it takes a village to raise a book and you’re a part of …

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“A Tree Fell on the Old House.”

“The Old House at Night.”  by Bill Iles 1963 “A Tree Fell on the Old House.”   “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”    Proverbs 23:7 I’ve always dreaded it, but knew it’d happen one day.  My sister’s message was short, “A tree fell on the Old House last night during the storm.” Before I tell you …

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A Ugandan Thanksgiving

A Ugandan Thanksgiving    In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. -I Thess. 5:18   Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. It’s free of commercial crassness and a time for family and sincere gratitude. Thanksgiving gives us room to take a big breath and simply be thankful. Thanksgiving became special …

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Lost at Sea: Remembering Milton Tinsley

Lost at Sea: Remembering Milton Tinsley It’s Veteran’s Day and a time to honor those who served our country in times of need. It’s an excellent time to remember veterans who have been forgotten. It’s a good time to remember Milton Tinsley. He has a simple marker at Hopewell Community Cemetery near DeRidder, Louisiana: Milton Tinsley Lost at Sea I …

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Aunt Margie’s Hands

This week’s blog post: Aunt Margie’s Hands I still believe my Aunt Margie Nell had the most beautiful hands in the world. I miss those hands on the piano. Although I miss Aunt Marge’s hands, I miss her heart the most. Marjorie Nell Iles Walker was my Dad’s younger sister. During her lifetime, she was SW Louisiana’s most renowned pianist. …

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“One Sheet” for ‘Where We All Belong’

A one sheet sell sheet is a snapshot tool to share with editors, agents, and readers concerning an upcoming book. This attractive one sheet was designed by my friend Wayne Mullins and his wife Heather  at Ugly Mug Marketing.  Visit www. to learn about Wayne’s innovative excellent. Please take a moment to visit and leave a message for Wayne. …

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My Pine Knot Pile

Pine Knot Piles and Earthly Treasures I have a startling confession to make. I’m going this afternoon to Ace Hardware to buy some pine kindling. I’m glad my ancestors didn’t live long enough to see a Dry Creek man pay good money for rich lighter kindling. In Alexandria, we recently moved into a house with a fireplace. I’ve been waiting …

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“I’m Sorry. Will you Forgive me?”

I’m Sorry. Will you forgive me?”     Here’s a good quote to begin: “An unforgiving Christian? That’s an oxymoron.” -Jordy McCaskill   Summer 2023 Alexandria, Louisiana   My friend and I had just finished a fine meal at Word of Mouth Cafe near the Rapides Parish Courthouse in downtown Alexandria.   As I neared my truck, a tall security …

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A Mentor named Jay Miller

A Mentor named Jay Miller   “I was born in a tiny Southern town. I grew up with my family and friends all around.” Something to Love Jason Isbell   I grew up in a rural community where I was fortunate to have a long line of mentors and role models.  Many of these relationships continued even into my adult …

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The Cardinal and Mr. Smith’s Plane

  The bird crashed into the plate glass window. My friend and I walked over to where a red cardinal lay on the grass. She said, “It’s dead.” “Let’s watch for a while. I’ve seen birds, knocked silly from a collision, get up, wobble around, and fly off.” But it was evident this cardinal’s flying days were over. He was …

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Aunt Mollie and The Big Fire. Excerpts from “The Wayfaring Stranger.”

Ten Mile Fire Perkins Road Ten Mile, Louisiana The Wayfaring Stranger Excerpts from Chapter 42:  The Ten Mile Fire Aunt Mollie and the Big Fire Thursday, September 7, 2023 Yesterday, I drove through the devastation of the Ten Mile Fire, which burned 8,000 acres along the Rapides/Vernon Parish lines.   Ten Mile refers to the creek that winds its way across …

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Full Chapter 42 of ‘The Wayfaring Stranger: The Big Fire

The Wayfaring Stranger    The Big Fire Full. Chapter 42 Joe Moore was making what he called his “firewood rounds”: he would go by Aunt Mollie’s, then the Sweats, and finally Miz Girlie’s. By the end of the day, he would have supplied every family with plenty of smaller sticks for the wood stove, as well as larger ones for …

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