God Owns It All: The Cattle on a Thousand Hills.

A Mundari Tribal cattleman guards his cattle with an AK-47. There’s nothing quite like South Sudan. So glad I got to see it.


Psalm 50:20: The cattle on a thousand hills

10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.

11 I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine.

God owns it all: every head of cattle; every dollar bill.


We are simply stewards.

He owns it all.

The story is told of a little girl whose father wanted to teach a lesson about giving. He gave her two one-dollar bills. “Honey, one of these dollars belongs to God; the other is yours to spend as you wish.”

The girl was thrilled and hurried, both bills in hand, to the nearest candy store.

Just as she stepped over a storm drain, one of the bills fell from her hand and dropped through the grate.

She rebounded quickly. “Ut-oh, God. That one was yours.”


We laugh but sometimes forget that God owns it all.

He owns it all. We are simply stewards. Caretakers.


The story is courtesy of my pastor, Todd Strain.

Get ready!  Where I Come From becomes live on Friday, November 29


There are not many places where you can still find a cattleguard. A “cattle gap” has a unique sound when you drive over it.
How would you describe the sound of tires on a cattleguard?
(Aimwell Hills, Catahoula Parish)

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