My Favorite Jimmie Barrett Story


My Favorite Jimmie Barrett Story

Excerpt from my upcoming short story collection, Where I Come From.

I close with my favorite Jimmie Barrett principal story.

One day, I was teaching chemistry when he slipped into the back of the classroom to observe me.

He got comfortable.  He always looked kind of sleepy and was soon leaning on his elbow.

I thought.  This is too good to be true.

I’d set up a chemistry experiment to demonstrate that two simple chemicals, when mixed together, can have dramatic reactions.

I had a short piece of 2 x 4 on my desk.  I’d mixed a dab of potassium chlorate and manganese oxide together on the board.

Before picking up my hammer, I glanced to the back of the classroom. Mr. Barrett seemed very relaxed, if not asleep.

I even waited a few minutes until I was sure he was out.

As I told you. This is too good to be true.

It had always been one of my favorite tricks. I always felt more like an ancient alchemist or wizard than a modern chemistry teacher.

I struck the mixture with the hammer.

An explosion went off as loud as a firecracker, and smoke boiled from under my hammer.


The students jumped and I believe I heard one cuss under his breath.

They had all been taken by surprise.

But my eyes weren’t my students.

The loud crack jolted Mr. Barrett. I thought he was going to tear that small desk apart trying to get out.

I laughed as loud as I’ve ever laughed.

The students turned and although they’d not had the ringside view I had, joined in the good-natured fun.

Jimmie Barrett stood, grinning sheepishly.

I never let him forget it.

The best part was how he told the story over and over on himself.

That was another sign of why he was a good leader: he didn’t take himself too seriously, 

He had a wonderful redeemable quality: he could laugh at himself.

I still chuckle about the shootout in room 13. Nowadays, you’d have an active shooter alert and total lockdown, plus I’d have some explaining to do.

Those were the days.

When Jimmie Barrett died, I was asked to deliver his eulogy.

It was such an honor.

From experience, I’ve learned that you should never tell a joke or a funny story at a funeral.

But this was different. This was Jimmie Barrett’s funeral. After getting his family’s permission, I told the firecracker story.

Of course, it brought the house down. One retired teacher in the third row laughed so hard I thought we were going to need to use the Heimlich maneuver on her.

It was a shame Jimmie wasn’t there to share in the laughter.

But that story wasn’t why I was up there. It was my chance to share the many qualities of my friend you’ve read above, such as his compassion, kindness, empathy, and genuine kindness.

Yes, Jimmie Barrett was my principal.

Best of all, he was my friend.

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