The Quiet Leader Podcast Episode 1: “The Quiet Leader.”

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These are the rough notes for Episode 1 of our new podcast, “The Quiet Leader.”

I’ve printed them in their entirety so you can see what goes into preparing a recorded episode.

As always, enjoy!


Click here to listen to Episode 1 of “The Quiet Leader” podcast


EPISODE 1    The Quiet Sheriff


Quiet Leadership Intro  page A


This is Curt Iles at Creekbank Stories. I’m excited you’ve joined us for the first episode of “The Quiet Leader” podcast.

We’ll be sharing stories each week.

I’m a storyteller.

It’s who I am, and it’s what I do best.

You’ll hear stories on Servant Leadership.

Servant Leadership. They don’t seem to go together.  



Servant leadership is always part of the mark of a truly strong leader.

 Effective leadership is a fascinating study to examine.

In the Quiet Leader podcast, we’ll share stories about long-term leaders and dissect their success and influence.

The Quiet Leader podcast and blog will feature stories from the real world about men and women making a difference.


For longtime listeners, don’t worry that we’re leaving our Creekbank roots behind. We’ll continue sharing stories at our blog and on each social media platform.  Don’t worry. I’ll never run out of Creekbank stories to tell!


Why am I starting this podcast and blog?

I’m in the right season 

and quarter to write this blog.

I feel like I have something to say and something to share.

I’m in a season of life where I’ve learned so much about leadership.

Page B 


I’m still an LLL, a lifelong learner, and I plan to continue learning until my last breath.

I feel a responsibility . . .

 . . . even a calling to share with leaders who are in different seasons of life.

Younger leaders.

I’ve been where they are in their busy lives, countless commitments, demands, and careers.

I want to share what I’ve learned from the past seasons in my life.


Another reason I’m sharing is that I’m in the last quarter of my life.

The final quarter.

The 4th Quarter.

That doesn’t scare me;  it motivates me.

I’m only 68. 

Even if I live to 90, I’m in the fourth quarter. 

I don’t know which part of the fourth quarter I’m in. I hope the referee has just blown his whistle to throw the ball to begin the fourth quarter.

It doesn’t matter where I am along this spectrum. I want to play hard and help the team to the final buzzer.

That’s why I’m sharing this podcast.

Join us on this adventure at The Quiet Leader as we grow, share, and learn together.


Well, here we go with episode 1 of season 1.

<End of INTRO>

<Beginning of STORY>

Page 1


Friday, September 23, 2005

DeRidder, Louisiana

10:00  AM Central Daylight time

Day 0 for the arrival of Hurricane Rita

It was ten hours before Hurricane Rita would slam into SW Louisiana. A crowded room of Beauregard Parish officials and citizens listened intently as emergency preparedness leaders reviewed last-minute plans for the upcoming storm.

As the meeting wound down, one of the leaders said, ‘Sheriff, would you like to say a word?”

On this memorable day, Bolivar Bishop had been Beauregard Parish sheriff for thirty-four years. He’d long ago won the respect and confidence of every man and woman in the room.

From his spot against the back wall, Sheriff Bishop calmly said,  “I appreciate how everyone has worked together to get ready.  

Don’t worry; there won’t be any Katrina-type looting here.

 Our people will help take care of your roads and homes.”

There wasn’t even a chair squeaking in the room as Sheriff Bishop finished, “We’ll get through this together. We’ll come out of this all right,”

No one said a word. 

No one moved.

The sheriff had spoken.

 I believed him. 

We would come out of this all right and work together in the days and months ahead.

Yes. Bolivar Bishop was my sheriff—the epitome of quiet leadership.




I’ve studied leaders and leadership for my entire life.  


And Bolivar Bishop is still one of the best examples of a “The Quiet Leader” I’ve known.


He was quiet and soft-spoken, but when he spoke, people listened. 


That’s the mark of a leader. A real leader has earned the respect of those around him, especially those who work with him.


Sheriff Bishop was a man of stability and calmness. It would be a mistake to view this quietness as weakness. He understood the position he held. 


To me, he always seemed comfortable in his own skin.


In Louisiana, Parish Sheriff has always been one of the powerful officials in a parish, as well as the state.  A local sheriff has outsized authority.


Sheriff Bishop exercised that authority in a positive way.


 I was always intrigued by Sheriff Bishop’s leadership style.

He had been a banker with no law enforcement background when he was first elected in 1971. 

He served nine terms, usually with no opposition.

 He preferred to be in the background. He surrounded himself with able deputies and administrators and then got out of their way and allowed them to do their jobs.

That’s another trait of an effective leader—they are not afraid to delegate authority.

They have the self-confidence to realize the entire world doesn’t have to revolve around them.

They’re in charge but have no reason to flaunt their authority.  

Bolivar Bishop didn’t have to flaunt his power. He was comfortable with it and used his position to improve our parish.

He was the epitome of the Quiet Leader.

And he was my sheriff.

And you know what?

I guess he always will be.



<End of Story>


We’re so glad you’ve joined us at The Quiet Leader podcast.  You can learn about all of our writing, books, and more at


If you know anyone, especially a young leader, who would benefit from our podcast, please share this podcast.


I’m excited about next week’s podcast, “Leaders Eat Last.”   


We’ll share a memorable story about servant leadership gleaned from the battlefield.


We’ll look forward to seeing you then on The Quiet Leader podcast.


<End of Podcast>


This is a portion of the story we didn’t use in the podcast due to the time limit.


Postscript:  Extra not in podcast

A final story on that memorable Friday meeting before Hurricane Rita’s arrival: It happened on the most eventful day in Beauregard Parish’s history—the day Hurricane Rita roared ashore—Friday, September 23, 2005.

As I left the meeting, I saw that Sheriff Bishop was wearing a sidearm.

I’d never seen him with a gun in all my years of knowing him. 

However, I saw he was wearing a sidearm. I told the man sitting by me, “I’ve never seen the Sheriff with a gun.”

He shook his head. “Neither have I. This is serious.”

When the meeting ended, I walked by the sheriff, and two of his grandchildren came in through the back entrance. I heard one whisper excitedly, “Look. Papaw’s got on a gun.”

 They were just as surprised as we were.

 Yes, he was my sheriff.

I only saw him wear a gun once.

However, I had great confidence in his leadership for the over 13,000 days he was sheriff of my home parish of Beauregard.


He was my sheriff.

And always will be.


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