A week to remember



A word from Curt:

A word from Curt
A word from Curt

Your prayer is oxygen for what God is doing here.

Pray hard.

Pray passionately.

Pray often.


Since Twitter allows only 142 character updates, we’re limiting ourselves to 142 words on this prayer update.

If you would share these praises and requests with your church, your family, and even your co-workers, we would be so appreciative.



142 Word Prayer Request from the Chadan Engagement Team

Curt and DeDe Iles


Praise for:

  • Entrance into Boroli Refugee Camp. This camp has been closed to outside ministry for several months. Pray for Mario and Augustin who have moved into this predominantly Murle camp.
  • Productive trip with Pastor Robert Franklin of Main Street Baptist Church/Alexandria KY.
  • 6 Fledgling Churches in Adjumani Refugee Camps!


Wish you'd been there: We'll never forget the look on this Dinka elder's face when he heard the Bible in his heart language.  Aiylo Refugee Camp, Uganda.
Wish you’d been there: We’ll never forget the look on this Dinka elder’s face when he heard the Bible in his heart language. Aiylo Refugee Camp, Uganda.


Prayer Requests:

  1. Kakwa Bible Recording Project
  2. Internet Research on our Unreached People Groups. Due to war, we are unable to go to many areas.
  3. Follow up on Adjumani visit.
  4. Wisdom for our leaders David Crane and Bob Calvert as they plan for future priorities.
  5. Dedicated Madi and Dinka church leaders working in Camps. Pray especially for our discouraged workers in Nyumazi 1 Camp.
  6. Guidance and grace as Curt finishes Trampled Grass, an e book that will promote African missions as well as the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
  7. The health of our colleagues Selvin and Laurel and their precious daughters, Abbey and Daniella.

Video of Dinka Elder and his first listen  IMG_5748


  1. Kurt I enjoy your message and especially your love for those who are not reached. We heard from the seminary and will forward the funds for Julious.We pray for you and DeDE and those who are working with you. We plan to continue to raise money for you and your team. We hope to visit with you when you come home.Please let Mary know if she needs something that we can help with to contact me.337-523-0722

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